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: http://www.momoshop.com.tw/goods/GoodsDetail.jsp?i_code=2299150&memid=6000007870&cid=apuad&oid=1&osm=league 【ELITE】Kit Ponta塑鋼水壺架+水壺組(小車架適用)
水壺 +水壺架』適用全車系(含折疊車)
Revolutionary lightweight and durable bottle cage kit. Consisting of a 500ml bottle and a patended bottle cage system. Usable on any frame in any condition. The bottle bottom can be removed for easy cleaning.
The system:
Kit Ponta's integrated bottle and cage, with their central tapered pin system, reverses the conventional bottle/cage configuration by supporting the bottle internally. This configuration offers several advantages to the rider: the tapered pin and the bottle's positioning hole guide the bottle into the correct position with the cage and this allows insertion or removal to be done in one fluid motion.
An increased insertion/removal angle of 20mm allows the bottle to be removed or inserted sideways. This makes for simpler and faster bottle insertion/removal, and even more so on smaller frames or bottles positioned vertically.
Hygiene is another key factor in the Ponta project: the bottom of the bottle can be removed to easily clean the inside.
Material: synthetic
Included in delivery: 500ml bottle, bottle cage
Where to mount: frame
Bottle capacity: 500ml